Jessie Krebs, former U.S. Air Force SERE (survival, evasion, resistance and escape) specialist and founder of SERE Training School in Colorado, recently taught a class on wilderness survival which is now available on MasterClass, the streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world’s best across a wide range of subjects.
In her class, Krebs consolidated 30 years of experience into the essential concepts and skills to help members explore nature safely and handle unexpected situations when they arise.
“As a former U.S. Air Force survival, evasion, resistance and escape specialist, Jessie trained soldiers how to survive in the world’s most dangerous places,” said David Rogier, founder and CEO of MasterClass. “In this class, she teaches you how to survive. This class may one day save your life.”
From signaling for help to making shelter, Krebs’ class will break down the five basic needs of a survivor and how to think ahead by applying them before leaving home. Members will learn the basics of using a map and compass, building a fire and survival kit, and using survival tools like knives and ropes. Krebs will also explain the “survival mindset” and help members understand the mental focus and awareness necessary to make calm decisions in a survival circumstance, such as how not to let a situation escalate and worsen and how to break through the spike of adrenaline when fear sets in. Whether casual hikers or avid adventurers, members will walk away from Krebs’ class inspired to share what they’ve learned with others and eager to set off on an outdoor adventure knowing they are ready for whatever might come their way.

“The wilderness has everything we need to exist or we wouldn’t be here at this moment,” Krebs said. “In my class, I want to encourage members to let Mother Nature reach out her hand so that you can utilize what she has to offer. You’ll realize you’re more capable than you ever thought you were.”
Krebs is a wilderness survival expert and consultant. As a former U.S. Air Force SERE specialist, she trained military personnel on how to survive behind enemy lines and make their way home safely.
In 1994, Krebs received an honorable discharge from the Air Force and began putting her outdoor leadership skills to use as a backcountry mountain guide leading recreational and wilderness therapy expeditions across many stretches of the American Southwest. In addition to being the founder and head instructor of SERE Training School for both civilians and outdoor professionals, Krebs is a technical consultant and onscreen survival expert for shows such as National Geographic’s Mygrations, in which she became one of the first modern human beings ever to complete a primitive crossing of hundreds of miles of Tanzanian Serengeti on foot.