Staying Fit While on Vacation

Staying fit while on vacation is not as hard as you may think even though many people use vacation as an excuse to take time off from their fitness schedule due to the lack of time and resources.

I used to be on the road as part of my job every week; therefore, I had to try and make fitness part of that schedule too! So I had to become creative with my workouts. Especially when I was staying a small rural town of 300 people in an RV. Sometime it just wasn’t going to work.

Vacation time for me actually became the perfect time for me to get back into a routine. Plus I like to eat while I travel. All that gelato, or pizza or German sausage ain’t going to melt away by itself.

These days, being on the road, or at a hotel with no gym doesn’t really cut it as an excuse not to stay active. Thanks to an evolving fit culture all over the world, there are some many options to look into.

Or you can try my tested, but not guaranteed exercise method of walking between each donut shop.

Or not!

Here are a few ways to stay fit on the cheap while traveling.

App It Out

Head to the app store and download ANY of the many workout apps. Most can be done with just a towel on the hotel room floor. Check out Sweat with Kayla, Swork It and 7 Minute Workout.

Bike Sharing

Amsterdam, Paris, London, New York and Sydney. All cities that have adopted the day rental bike system that is easy and convenient to use for all people. Not to mention a great way to see the city. For a small day fee, you can rent a bike for 24 hours. Small glitch! Some require you to drop off every 45 – 60 minutes

Free Classes

I personally hate the gym. I’d much rather spend an hour being yelled at by a teacher to keep me motivated

Most major cities will have 1 day, 1 week and even 1-month memberships free or at cheaper rates. It just takes a little research before leaving

Living in New York, I can find 12 fitness centers in my vicinity that give away 30 days for $30 that would give me cheap fitness for a whole year.

Lululemon and Athleta

The high-end yoga clothing chains hold free yoga, barre and other fitness classes throughout the week in the store after hours. You can pop online to check out the options at each store.

Steph_profHerstory is a weekly column on women and travel by Steph Ridhalgh. Steph is a Sydney born; New York based television producer and travel blogger. Not one for being quiet for too long she simply loves talking about travel and lifestyle.

Steph is the founder of STEP(h) ABROAD, a travel and lifestyle resource for those who love to be in the know and know how.

Connect with her on the web, Facebook and Twitter

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