Sick Away

Everyone in this community who reads my weekly column shares one thing; we all love to travel. Sure we may get nervous about certain destinations but our overarching curiosity pushes us to visit and expand our comfort zones. And that’s great.  Still we always need to take steps to be safe and healthy abroad and we must also know what to do and who to call if something does happen. That’s traveling responsibly.

First get really good travel insurance. Many credit cards like American Express like to claim to be the best. But read the small print and make sure you book the flight with them, even the taxes if you are using miles. For most credit card insurance to kick in you had to have paid for the trip with the card in the first place. That done you should also have lost damage waiver when renting a car in the USA. This can run you $20 a day if not, so it’s a great perk of membership.

Then there are the necessary precautions before you go. Always ask your doctor if any immunizations are needed to visit your destination. Plus, and I cannot emphasis this enough, always stay up to date on your vaccinations. Do not go on Malaria pills unless you really ARE in a vulnerable area. The reason is you need to take these pills 2 weeks prior to arrival at the destination and 2 weeks after and they often don’t make you feel great. So if you can reasonably avoid the side effects, I suggest you do. Again check with your doctor.

Know how to contact your Embassy or Consulate and if possible register with them. Part of their job is making sure their citizens are safe abroad and so they can help find doctors and hospitals if you need treatment.

Then know where to go if you do need medical attention. I always research a little about the medical facilities before getting on a plane. International hospitals are the best and if you’re staying at a top hotel they will certainly give you the best advice as to where to go for a western traveller. When you go to a smaller, local hotel, they won’t necessarily understand your needs. But your most basic need is to to speak to a doctor that speaks English and who was maybe educated in the west. If you’re in a remote area and someone at the hotel has a good command of English, make sure they come along with you. That Bellhop or Concierge may just help to save your life.


Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are full of world class hospitals which in many cases are better than most European or American hospital.s

In America you need to be careful and always make sure that you are insured before visiting. American hospitals charge fortunes and this is one destination that you need to be sure that you have full coverage for. Please for anyone traveling to the States, get the best, most comprehensive medical insurance you can even if you’re only coming for a few days. This is an outrageously expensive country to get sick in.

France, Italy and Spain can feel a little foreign as staff won’t always be able to converse in English in the more rural areas. They will be well equipped though and some French Hospitals have the best doctors in the world, especially in research. But you should be prepared to feel a little uneasy about language. However even if there is a language barrier, the medical teams are usually up to date and first rate and they know what to do, even if they can’t properly communicate it to you.

In the end my advice is to always be prepared, know where your insurance documents are, stay in contact with your Embassy and practice safe travels.  Travel well.

What do you think? Do you have a story about getting sick while traveling?  Hit us up on Twitter @goingglobaltv and let me know.

Daniel - Living GreenDaniel Green, the Model Cook is a Celebrity Chef known for his healthy approach to food and living  well. With TV, books, magazines and live appearances, Daniel spends his time helping fans to cook better, feel better and live better. He’s also an avid traveler and a self-confessed Foodie.

To contact Daniel or learn more visit or follow on Twitter  and Facebook

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