New York, New York – Let’s Get Touristy

New York, New York. So much to see and so much to do, but maybe that is where the paradox of choice comes into play – because there is so much to do, you end up being overwhelmed. Do you eat at this place or that place? Which was the lunch place to avoid? Where does the best coffee? If you’ve booked a break, the chances are you have a few things in mind that you would already like to do, check out some popular Broadway shows, eat a real NY bagel, and as for the rest of your time, you can use this handy list of the coolest places to visit.

Let’s get touristy – after all, isn’t that why you’re there?

  1.  American Museum of Natural History. Why do you need to go there? Aren’t all of these places the same? Well, not really – no. Aside from having enough space for you to walk around for hours soaking everything in, it will teach you things you never knew you wanted to know. Fascinated by the human body? Then you’re going to come away with some seriously cool trivia facts. Want to have your photo taken with a full sizes dino skeleton? They got you covered. Don’t really care too much for learning, but have heard about their astronaut ice-cream? Well, do that instead then.
  2. The Met. Almost every movie that has New York in it, has at least one mention of The Met. Why it should be on your list is pretty simple. It has over 2 million works of art, spanning over 5 thousand years of human history. Yes, it does get more visitors than any other NYC gallery or museum, so it is likely to be pretty packed – but it is still a must see. If you like to have your mind blown, The Egyptian Galleries includes the REAL Temple of Dendur which was built-ins 15bc.
  3. MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art) If you love Frida Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh and Andy Warhol then the chances are you will have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Moving sculptures, films, performance, paintings and the artistic history of New York is all here. You could of course skip it, but really, why would you want to?
  4. If you are a) a bit brave and b) a sucker for cityscapes at night, then you will need to head up to Top of the Rock Observatory. There are three observation decks, two of which include some shelter and the big boy that is fully open-air. Another cool fact is that it sits atop of the very famous Rockefeller Centre, where things like Saturday Night Live are filmed. It’s open till midnight and will be the most spectacular night lights you are ever going to see.

While it might be tempting to rush from place to place, New York is just as much about the vibe and the people as it is about what they have to offer regarding museums and galleries.