Flight Check: Cathay Pacific First Class

New York JFK to Bangkok. They are very few airlines which offer service like Cathay Pacific. Flying First Class with them is always consistent and magnificent.

Checking in at JFK, Cathay Pacific has a nice quiet area. Not the craziness you get in some of the other terminals at JFK. They allow use of the BA lounges so I was able to experience the British Airways First Class Lounge. It was a little too early for champagne but it was available if you wanted. They also had a nice option of smoked salmon.

Boarding Cathay Pacific First Class is a great experience.

You are immediately escorted to a private cabin which offers a one to one configuration, while an Amuse-bouche is presented along with a glass of Champagne.

Being on a 16 hour flight you have to have two full meal services.

I started off with breakfast which was an incredible Chinese pancake with sweet soy sauce, followed by eggs and more champagne.

And then my private seat converted to a fully flatbed with duvets and the most cosy comforter I have ever flown in. Pajamas are handed out and I felt like I was at home all snuggly in bed.

Waking up to the full dinner service was marvelous. Cathay prides itself as being one of the few airlines that gives a full pot of caviar to every First Class passenger.

Next you have a choice of vegetarian Chinese or Western entrées. And Cathay Pacific overloads on the First Class options so it’s very rare for you to not get what you want.

Polished, fantastic service every time.

Landing in Hong Kong was quick and easy to transit but I was still able to experience the newly renovated Pier Lounge. Wow!

This was better than any private club you’d find in London. A restaurant, a spa, a bar area, all with beautiful artwork. These lounges are run by the Peninsula Hotel group which brings À la carte dining and top quality food.

It really doesn’t matter how long your layover is as there’s no way better to spend your time than at the Pier Lounge.

Next I was of to Bangkok for an easy one and a half hour flight.

This route has only Business Class but they do have a great Business Class cabin.

A little nap and I arrived in the land of the smiles and Bangkok, one of my favorite cities in Asia.

More on the Bangkok trip soon.

Daniel - Living GreenDaniel Green, the Model Cook is a Celebrity Chef known for his healthy approach to food and living well. With TV, books, magazines and live appearances, Daniel spends his time helping fans to cook better, feel better and live better. He’s also an avid traveler and a self-confessed Foodie.

To contact Daniel or learn more visit www.themodelcook.com or follow on Twitter and Facebook.

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