Defeating Jet Lag

defeat jet lag

Long haul travel makes you hungry, plain and simple. This is a result of all the time zones you pass through, but take heed there are things you can do to help you in defeating jet lag. It is hard to fight it but our bodies crave carbohydrates when we are tired. It is our system’s natural way to find energy through food. When the body clock is off and we miss a meal, we are starving for energy. Airline meals are hard to have with a low carb option as food costs in the air today are high, so fresh fruits and vegetables and high protein meals are out of reach. But there are ways to avoid the binge.

Here are some tips.

Before your travel, load up on fresh fruits and vegetables.  Juices are the best. Make your own or grab them from a juice bar. Keep in mind this is cold pressed juicing and not smoothies. We are not looking for bananas, milk, fillers and high sugar fruits like pineapple. I am talking kale, cucumber, mint, ginger, oranges and lemons to help build the immune system.

I know it sounds terribly boring but hear me out.

Many people catch the common cold during air travel thanks to close spaces and lack of fresh air. Vitamin C will build your immune system up and fresh citrus juice is the best way to do it; even if you have a lemon squeezed into a glass. At the airport do not be tempted by high carb fast foods. There are plenty of choices now as many airports have good restaurants. Just choose healthy. If you are in a business or first class lounge, go for the fruits, juices and nuts rather than pretzels or potato chips.


Try to eat before a night flight in the airport. Have as much water as you can. Now when you land, this is the most important time to get those green juices in you. The body craves it. Ginger is fantastic for settling the tummy, as is mint. Hot green tea is wonderful too

Try to stick to clean food. That means not processed and not full of carbs. Greasy food is not good either.

If you are reading this and don’t think you can eat in this healthy style, then do whatever you need to do but simply add my suggestion on top of the diet you choose. I assure you it will only benefit you. All that said, have a glass of red wine (just the one) with dinner and take a melatonin 3ML. If you are somewhere sunny, sit in the sun as sunlight triggers energy too and helps us make up for missed daylight hours

This applies to every city in the world with the exception of Las Vegas and Bangkok. If you happen to be in either of these cities, take an energy drink, coffee, booze and fight sleep at all measures. In fact don’t even get a hotel room to tempt you.

Daniel - Living GreenDaniel Green, the Model Cook is a Celebrity Chef known for his healthy approach to food and living  well. With TV, books, magazines and live appearances, Daniel spends his time helping fans to cook better, feel better and live better. He’s also an avid traveler and a self-confessed Foodie.

To contact Daniel or learn more visit or follow on Twitter  and Facebook.

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