You Can’t Give It Away

Theses days we’re constantly reminded of the challenges facing the global travel industry as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The cruise industry has been particularly hard hit with cruises now so unpopular that a majority of Americans wouldn’t take a free cruise  if they were offered one.

GOBankingRates recently conducted a survey of over 1,000 adults to test the waters.

Key Findings

  • After being reminded of the two cruise ships that had to quarantine passengers, roughly two-thirds of respondents said they would turn down an all-expenses-paid cruise today.
  • Senior citizens appear to be much more concerned about the virus than others, with 77% of the 65 and over cohort saying they would turn down the cruise compared to just 53% of those ages 18 to 24 and 61% of those ages 25 to 34.

Americans Would Pass on an All-Expenses-Paid Cruise Because of the Coronavirus

Many people go a lifetime dreaming of a chance to win a free cruise, but if that day were to come today, many would pass.

Sixty-five percent of all respondents claimed they would not accept an all-expenses-paid cruise due to concerns over the coronavirus.

That included a significant gap in terms of how different age groups appeared to view the potential threat. Three out of 4 people older than 65 said they wouldn’t take the free cruise, whereas just over half of those 18 to 24 are similarly concerned. It’s also worth noting that there was a sharp increase in concern at age 45 and on.

Despite the concern, there are still large swathes of the population willing to risk their health and safety for a free vacation. With the exception of the 65 and older demographic, at least 30% of every age group claimed they would accept an all-expenses-paid cruise.

In Fact, They’d Cancel Any Preexisting Travel Plans

The survey also asked respondents if they would cancel existing international travel plans even if it meant losing all of the money they had already spent on plane tickets, hotel stays and other expenses over a health epidemic like the current coronavirus outbreak. Once again, a clear majority, 59%, said they would.

There was a clear difference in responses based on age here as well, with over 70% of the 65-and-over group saying they would cancel, compared to the roughly 50/50 split for those ages 44 or younger. But another interesting insight came from this question when it’s broken down by the gender of the respondent. Although men and women were typically aligned in their answers elsewhere, the question about canceling travel plans revealed a slightly larger gap in responses.

Would you cancel international travel plans over a health epidemic such as the coronavirus if it meant losing all the money you put into planning (e.g., plane ticket, hotel stay, etc.)?
Response Demographic
Female Male
Yes 61.70% 56.65%
No 38.30% 43.35%

While 57% of men said they would cancel existing international travel plans over a breakout — even if it meant giving up the money they had already spent — that jumped to 62% for those women polled.

These days when it comes to cruise, you can give it away.

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