The Magic of Angkor

Angkor is a mystical city that was the capital of the Khmer empire which flourished from the 9th to the 15th centuries, before slowly being overtaken by the dense jungle. While it was always known to the locals, the area was re-discovered by European explorers in the late 19th century, and that lead to a 100 year period of archeological work and restoration. This video lovingly brings the magic of Angkor to life.

Today it straddles time and space; as comfortable in its ancient roots as it is in its present form. Here, the past, present and future converge to create a destination of profound historical, cultural, artistic and spiritual meaning. It can make for a transformative trip of self-discovery, but you have you know how to get the most out of Angkor Wat, the surrounding temples and the city of Siem Reap.

Daniel Fraser is the founder of Smiling Albino, a luxury travel company in Southeast Asia, and an expert in Cambodia. His advice is to slow down, relax, and explore the sprawling Angkor complex over days to maximize your experience while minimizing crowds. He also suggest day trips to nearby Tonlé Sap Lake and the city of Siem Reap. Wach this video and discover the magic of Angkor.

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