Live, Work, Play & Travel Always

This week is an insight into my work life and where it collides with travel.

Coming from a live television background, being on the road has not only become second nature but also something I absolutely love to do.

While sleep is minimal and lunch is often closer to dinnertime, the fulfillment that comes from being on the road creating great content is undeniable.

So when I was approached by my old Australian employer, the top morning program, Sunrise, to join them on a “5 cities in 5 days” road trip across America I couldn’t say ‘yee ha’ quicker.

There is something about travelling with a crew of people, working day (and night) in and day out putting together 3 solid hours of live TV that really grabs me.

Moving to a new location every day telling a new story is the aim of the game but it’s the thrill of the unknown and adrenaline that keeps everyone going. Most importantly it is with like-minded people.

With less than 24 hours in one location, 1 meal a day and averaging 3 hours of sleep a night there is something to be said about travelling with a bunch of friends that you work with and still managing to have a good time.

Sure working on the road is not like being a fully fledge traveller but the experiences you do get to have are often one of a kind or reserved for the VIP. Having control of the $250,000 Bellagio Fountain and lights button would be one of those moments.

Whether it be this trip or another, first things first I am working. These trips are frantic and I never did get the chance to lie out on one of Fiji’s beautiful sandy beaches. Instead, what I can say is I was treated to a rare glimpse into one of the tribes living off the land away from the modern world. Getting access otherwise non-existent to regular travellers.

It’s all about making it what you want. When it comes down to it you are seeing new places even if it is only for a very short time. I have now realized I would happily lug camera and sound equipment from place to place, day after day living out of a suitcase over sitting at a desk 9-5. The way we travel is never black and white. Everyone has his or her own way and experiences.

Steph_profHerstory is a weekly column on women and travel by Steph Ridhalgh. Steph is a Sydney born; New York based television producer and travel blogger. Not one for being quiet for too long she simply loves talking about travel and lifestyle.

Steph is the founder of STEP(h) ABROAD, a travel and lifestyle resource for those who love to be in the know and know how.

Connect with her on the web, Facebook and Twitter.

Why We Travel – Part 1

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