Beyond the Cubicle: How Travel Ignited My Soul and Supercharged My Career

Did you know that in 2023, only 56% of Americans held a valid passport? That statistic used to be me. Stuck in a soul-sucking cubicle, my world revolved around spreadsheets and conference calls. My passport? A forgotten relic from a college trip to Montreal. Then, a promotion with my tech company changed everything. Suddenly, “Paris for a client meeting” and “Tokyo for a product launch” were part of my vocabulary.

Let me tell you, it was a baptism by jetlag. But as I stumbled off planes bleary-eyed and culture-shocked, a kaleidoscope of experiences unfolded, shattering the comfortable confines of my American bubble.

In the bustling markets of Marrakech, I haggled with a Berber rug merchant, his laughter warming the cool morning air.Over steaming bowls of pho in Hanoi, I bonded with a group of Vietnamese entrepreneurs, their resilience sparking a fire in my own belly. In the shadow of the ancient Acropolis in Athens, I stood humbled by the weight of history, a newfound respect for the past blooming within me.

Travel wasn’t just about sightseeing; it was about seeing the world through a new lens. It was about realizing that the American way wasn’t the only way. It was about celebrating the beauty of difference, the ingenuity of diverse solutions,and the warmth of human connection that transcends language barriers.

And guess what? This newfound global perspective made me a better businesswoman. In negotiations, I could now anticipate cultural nuances, fostering trust and collaboration. My presentations resonated more deeply, infused with the insights I’d gleaned from interacting with international markets. I became a bridge-builder, connecting colleagues and clients across continents.

This isn’t just my story. For any young professional, travel is an investment in your future. Look for opportunities in companies with a global footprint. Apply for that overseas internship. Yes, it might be scary, stepping outside your comfort zone. But trust me, the rewards are immeasurable. The world is your oyster, and a passport is your pry bar.

So, to those of you who haven’t ventured beyond your borders, I urge you: take the leap. The world is waiting to surprise you, to challenge you, and to fill your life with stories that will stay with you forever.

I have found that I love traveling so much I actually look for opportunities to travel for business while my hobby is looking at hotel rooms and flight prices.

And to those kind strangers I met along the way, from the taxi driver who patiently practiced his English with me in Rio to the Japanese office worker who shared her lunch when I got lost in Tokyo, thank you. Your small acts of kindness made a world of difference, reminding me of the essential goodness that binds us all.

The world is vast and wondrous, and there’s so much to learn. So pack your bags, book your flight, and embark on your own adventure. You might just surprise yourself with how much you grow.

Written with love by Jessica Simms, jet lagged and living my best life somewhere in Europe.