An Airline that is Happily Going to the Dogs

For those of you who complain and say that their airline is going to the dogs, here’s a story that will warm your cold, cold heart.

Olivia Sievers is a German flight attendant who flies to Argentina often however one recent visit changed her life. When Olivia was making her way to her hotel in Buenos Aires she met an amiable stray and a new best friend. Once she’d given him some love and food, the dog refused to leave her side and followed her all the way to the hotel.

Olivia says on that faithful trip she would play with the pup, who she named Rubio, whenever she had the chance. In exchange, Rubio would faithfully wait for her outside of her hotel even if it sometimes took hours in between visits.

When it came time for Olivia to return to Germany, she sadly bid farewell to her new friend expecting to never see him again.
Airline DogsHowever as fate would have it, two months later when she was back in Argentina again, Rubio was still waiting for her outside of her hotel. Fortunately for Rubio airlines book the same hotels for crews on long term contracts. But maybe he knew this. After all he seems pretty with it.

Olivia was able to adopt the dog and bring him back to Germany. We’re happy to report that Rubio has settled in quite nicely with her other dogs and enjoys long afternoons romping in the back yard.

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