Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Those of us who used to travel for business miss it. I know that probably doesn’t have to be pointed out to most of the people in the Going Global community, but it is a fact. And as we all cast our eyes forward to a new year, many intrepid business travelers are really looking forward to getting back on the road, in the air o on the rails.

Hilton and Morning Brew surveyed over 7,000 Morning Brew fans and found out a few interesting tidbits about how business travelers miss traveling. 87% of survey respondents said they either sometimes or outright miss business travel while 40% said that they’d choose a job that allows them to travel over one that wouldn’t. A love of travel runs deep for a lot of people.

47% of respondents said that amenities were important to them in choosing a hotel.

A majority of respondents, 54% said that business trips are important to maintaining relationships, so that corporate travel is viewed as good business. But traveling for work is also viewed as a perk. What do people like most about being on the road for work? 63% like eating at local restaurants, 61% enjoy exploring a different city, 43% saw travel as a chance to work out, while 42% liked the time alone. Travel is definitely well loved as over 1/3 or 38% said they like extending trips after work to enjoy a destination personally.

One other data point which caught our attention is that a whopping 78% said loyalty was important to them and they agreed or strongly agreed that using point for travel was a huge benefit. We have to say we agee.

I’m Outta Here

Many older people around the world long to retire to the tropics where the temperature is comfortable and the living is easy and often less ...