The World’s Coolest Watch

In the most exclusive shops in London a watch has emerged which is changing the face of fashion and jewelry. It’s bespoke, aggressively styled and quite frankly probably the world’s coolest watch. And it reminds us of a great night in London hanging out with one of the world’s top models.

A few months back our Senior Producers had the chance to dine with a very well known A-list model. We can’t tell you who the model was but we can say that her insight into style stuck with us. She said the most interesting fashion is always rare and always unconventional. So when we heard about ProHunter watches we were intrigued. And so of course our video Crews traveled to the UK to get the inside scoop.

Puerto Rico Relaxes COVID Restrictions

The governor of Puerto Rico announced today the relaxation of local COVID restrictions, including entry requirements for domestic passengers and on-Island mandates. Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s Destination ...