Viva Cuba

Cuba is a fascinating destination of people, places and passions. It’s gritty, it’s real and above all it’s a great place to get lost in.

Filmmaker Oliver Astrologo’s short movie Cuba ¡Está Volao! is a whirlwind celebration of the country. In the movie, he wanted to capture his perceptions of Cuba. He sees the island in a very romantic way, explaining that, Bright colours and human warmth embrace you as soon as you step in Cuba. It is actually surprising.You feel like living in a world where everyday lives is stuck in the 50s that hasn’t been affected by the globalization and mass tourism.”

Cuba ¡Está Volao! from Oliver Astrologo on Vimeo.


person opening an ampoule

Equal Access To Vaccines

For international travel to flourish, the world will have to make sure there is equal access to vaccines for developed and developing countries. One of ...