Vacation Tips: How To Cool Down In The Florida Sun

Orlando in Florida is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the United States. There are many attractions for the entire family, and there is always something to keep you entertained. However, the weather in Florida is nearly always fantastic. That means you might find yourself getting a little hot under the collar during your stay. With that in mind, there are some excellent suggestions in this article that could help you to cool down. While you don’t have to use any of this advice, I guarantee it will make you feel better after a long day under the summer sun. If nothing else, this post should point you in the right direction.

Visit an Ice Bar

If you’re visiting Florida with your partner or friends, you might consider finding an ice bar. There is more than one of them in the state, and so you just need to use the internet to find the details. Those places are carved from ice, and so they’re guaranteed to help you chill. Just make sure you dress for the occasion. The sudden drop in temperature might begin to feel a little uncomfortable. So, ensure you keep some thicker and warmer clothing in your bag. That way, you can make sure you don’t feel too cold. Also, ice bars tend to serve lots of alcohol. For that reason, you should book your taxi early in the evening, so you don’t have to mess around later.

Try Paddleboarding

Sometimes you just have to get in the water to keep your body temperature down. There are lots of fun water sports you can try in Florida. However, most of them require some level of skill. You could spend all day trying to water ski without ever managing to stand up. So, you should opt for something a little easier if you don’t have experience. Paddle-boarding is popular at the moment because anyone can take part. The equipment is cheap to purchase, and you can get started in minutes. You’ll find inflatable stand up paddle board reviews online. Use them to ensure you buy the best brand if there is nobody around to offer advice.

Eat at Midday

Eating your main meal at noon is a smart move if you want to avoid the Florida heat. The highest temperatures always occur between 12 and 3 pm. So, you would do well to stay inside during those hours. Try to plan activities at those times if possible. If not, you just need to use your smartphone to find a decent local restaurant. Many of the local people also try to stay out of the sun during those hours. That means you might have to book your table in advance to avoid disappointment.

You should now manage to avoid sunstroke and have a brilliant time in Florida this year. Just remember that it’s sensible to research as much as possible before you leave home. There is no much to see and do that you won’t have time for everything. So, you just need to look at the best attractions and then create a plan. If you don’t manage to do everything you would have liked, you’ll just have to arrange another trip next year.

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