How to Master the New York Subway

If you ask me, the New York Subway deserves a spot on the list of the best metro systems. It may not be as clean as Tokyo’s or as fast as Paris’ metro and yes it can also be infuriating at times, but equally so it is as amazing.

From an extensive rail system to a flat rate ride cost; the subway has a life of its own just like the city is weaves under.

Sure jumping in a golden chariot above ground can be one of ‘those moments’ everyone loves to have, but it ain’t so fun when you are stuck in traffic, which happens to be every hour in New York. The Subway will get you where you need to be faster 99% of the time.

Once you get the hang of it, it will be your favorite way to get around town and you might even look like a local.

Read the signs

Majority of the time, most of the entrances to the subway have access to downtown and uptown trains, but in some situations (and usually when you need to be somewhere on time) entries will only have downtown OR uptown trains. The other entry is usually across the street.

Eye contact
Tourist can be recognized a mile off thanks to their wandering eyes, looking at everything that goes by. The best way to blend in with the locals is the ability to avoid eye contact.

Buy a ticket
The best value for money is a 7-day unlimited ticket. Once you have your ticket, you are ready to go each and every time. As a bonus, you can also use your MetroCard for any city bus.

Get ‘appy’ with Hopstop
This is the app you need to have during your time in New York. This will be the ultimate cheat sheet to help you get around the city underground.

Take the time to smell the roses and watch the performers.
There is some world-class acts happening on the platforms of the underground. From Jazz bands to breaking dancing groups and opera singers, some trips down to the platform are better than a Madison Square Garden concert.

Be sure to take these few tips on your next trip to New York and you will be riding the subway like a master.

Steph_profHerstory is a weekly column on women and travel by Steph Ridhalgh. Steph is a Sydney born; New York based television producer and travel blogger. Not one for being quiet for too long she simply loves talking about travel and lifestyle.

Steph is the founder of STEP(h) ABROAD, a travel and lifestyle resource for those who love to be in the know and know how.

Connect with her on the web, Facebook and Twitter

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