Has a new clue been unearthed into what happened to Amelia Earhart? Two researchers think they may have discovered a new clue by blending photographs of the same area over an eight decade window? Countless hours of research suggest it may hold a tantalizing secret and just may pinpoint the exact location of Amelia Earhart’s crash site.
The researchers believe their new photographic evidence may hold the key to locating possible wreckage of her still missing Lockheed Electra 10e. It also may be consistent with a report of airplane wreckage in the late 50’s, early 60’s in the same spot. They believe that topographical changes could’ve released the wrecked from its original resting place year ago and it migrated through tidal movement to its new location. It is now believed to be resting in the shallow waters of the Taraia spit, mostly covered with sand and silt.

The researchers claim, “The body of this December 1938 photograph shows possible remains of an impact scar, starting at the beach and running approximately 20-40 yards into the vegetation. Suggesting Amelia’s angle of approach during ditching and ultimately leads the way to a debris field of previously unseen wreckage within photo. The debris is seen as shapes piled up in a heap and being semi camouflaged under a canopy of trees and shrubs. Having either a missing or caved in nose door and would account for the shadow so prominent in the Taraia Object image. Also visible is the appearance of more buckled metal forward of the cockpit as if caused by a sudden stop. Having sustained ample damage, though unknown to what degree. Speculating more clues are hidden under vegetation in this debris field and may show telltale signs of the last moments of her Electra’s flight. Adding yet another piece in this puzzle as our theory evolves. And by using this new information, we can adapt a better understanding of the severity endured by the aviators and planes airframe during impact.”

Earlier this year the researchers released a satellite image showing an object located in the Taraia spit area that they named the Taraia Object. They claimed it showed a resemblance to the forward section of fuselage/cockpit found in this 1938 photograph. Studying reference points on the images and concluding the likelihood of both images to be one and the same is very high. A video has been assembled and uploaded for viewing on their website roadtoamelia.org.
The Ashmore brothers are on a mission to solve one of aviation’s great mysteries, what happened to Amelia Earhart.