Insights Into A Changing Travel Landscape

Amidst the evolving global economic landscape, a remarkable travel recovery story has unfolded over the past two years. Travelers, undeterred by challenges, have been reclaiming the joy of exploration both domestically and internationally. While this resurgence isn’t entirely new, what sets this year apart is the potential influence of mainland China’s reopening on the worldwide travel industry.

In 2023, outbound tourism expenditures from mainland China are making a triumphant return to pre-pandemic levels. The resurgence is evident as Chinese spending on international experiences rebounded from virtually non-existent levels last year, now poised just below the 2019 benchmark[^1^]. This resurgence is coupled with the emergence of fresh travel corridors, where the growth in business travel is matching the momentum of leisure pursuits, and the demand for experiences eclipses the desire for material possessions[^2^].

Behind this ongoing travel recovery lies a global economy marked by uncertainty. Elevated inflation and interest rates have cast a shadow over worldwide real GDP growth, anticipated to wane from 3.4% last year to 2.8% YoY throughout 2023, as per the Mastercard Economics Institute’s latest estimates. While these economic fluctuations affect consumers differently across markets, discretionary spending typically bears the brunt of an economic downturn. However, an intriguing shift is observed this time around – discretionary spending’s resilience, influenced by labor market dynamics and enhanced savings, is steering consumers toward prioritizing travel and experiences.

At the heart of the 2023 travel landscape is the enduring preference for experiences over material acquisitions, a preference that solidified as mobility restrictions eased. Further shaping this year’s travel trends are the diverse ways people worldwide embark on journeys and the far-reaching implications of mainland China’s reopening. This resurgence in Chinese travelers is poised to not only bolster global growth but also exert a concentrated impact across the Asia Pacific, anticipated to be a catalyst for the region’s outperformance on the global stage, according to the Mastercard Economics Institute’s projections.

Key Insights:

1. Global Leisure Travel Resurgence:

  •  March 2023 witnessed a robust surge of nearly 31% in global leisure travel compared to the same period in 2019, constituting an impressive 25% YoY change from 2022 to 2023.

2. Convergence of Leisure and Business Travel:

  •  By the end of March 2023, global commercial flight bookings rallied to match leisure bookings, driven by regions with a strong return to office culture. This convergence of leisure and business travel marked a collective 33% growth from March 2019, representing a noteworthy 42% YoY change from 2022 to 2023.

3. Mainland China’s Travel Dynamics:

  • March 2023 saw tourist demand for experiences from mainland China almost restoring to pre-pandemic levels (93% of March 2019 levels). However, luxury and retail segments are yet to fully rebound, standing at 69% and 58% of their March 2019 levels, respectively.

4. Spring and Summer Hotspots:

Insights from the Mastercard Economics Institute project travel trends:

  • North American travelers favor Italy, Germany, and France.
  •  European explorers gravitate toward the U.K., Spain, Italy, and the U.S.
  •  Eastern European and Middle Eastern journeys encompass the U.K., France, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Egypt – the latter two making their debut in the top 10 destinations list.
  • Latin American and Caribbean travelers set their sights on the U.S., Spain, and Germany.
  • Travelers from the Asia-Pacific region flock to the U.S. and Australia.

5. Pursuit of Unique Experiences:

  • A pronounced shift in traveler preferences is evident as spending on experiences skyrockets by 65% compared to 2019, while spending on material goods witnesses a more modest 12% increase, as of March 2023.


The ongoing travel recovery stands as a testament to human resilience and the timeless yearning for exploration. With mainland China’s reopening echoing across the global travel landscape, a renewed sense of enthusiasm pervades. As we traverse the dynamic terrain of the world’s recovery journey, let us embrace the evolving priorities and preferences that shape the way we explore and connect. 

[^1^]: Source: Mastercard Economics Institute Estimates

[^2^]: Source: Mastercard Economics Institute Travel Industry Trends 2023