The Cheapest Way to Visit Montauk

The Hamptons is the playground for New York’s rich and famous

Montauk is for their hipster children; rich hipster children.

And camping in Montauk is for me because god knows I am not rich and famous nor do I have rich and famous parents.

There are ways to visit the Hamptons and not have to pay the price. Buy a tent and pitch it.

Like all things in the Hamptons, camp spaces get pretty full for the summer the moment they become available for rent.

The campground is in Hither Hills State Park in Montauk, right on the beach filled with tents, trailers and picnic tables. And there is not a Mercedes, Jeep or BMW in sight.

For New York State residents, you can rent a space for $32 a night, but for those not lucky enough to pay New York taxes, you will have to pay $56 per night.

For the full authentic camping experience, we pitched a tent and slept on the ground (on a blow-up mattress).


Our barbecue dinner was shared with two cheeky seagulls that thought they deserved some prime steak, marshmallows, and graham crackers.

And the best part was watching the stars, yes stars, I don’t see many, actually any of those in New York, appear in the darkness on the beach as we sat around a campfire on the sand

I toasted my first marshmallow and made my first authentic S’more. The time I nearly burnt the apartment down using the stovetop and skewers doesn’t count.

The bonus part about staying on the campgrounds in Montauk is the fact all the money you saved on accommodation can be spent on cocktails. Navy Beach is a beachfront restaurant decked out in you guessed it navy and white lounges on a private beach. And you will be glad you have that extra cash because the drinks are made with some special alcohol that costs a fortune. But nothing beats the sunset, watching the private yachts go by.

And if I had to say something negative, it would be first, driving by Hampton homes I will never in my lifetime get to live in and sitting in end of weekend traffic back into the city.

Steph_profHerstory is a weekly column on women and travel by Steph Ridhalgh. Steph is a Sydney born; New York based television producer and travel blogger. Not one for being quiet for too long she simply loves talking about travel and lifestyle.

Steph is the founder of STEP(h) ABROAD, a travel and lifestyle resource for those who love to be in the know and know how.

Connect with her on the web, Facebook and Twitter.

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